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We have automated all of our district libraries and are using EOS; a web-based software, so our catalog may be accessed from home by going to the school home page, clicking on media center, and then clicking on OPAC.
Students may check out books for three weeks, magazines for a week, and videos for overnight only. Items may be renewed by coming into the Media Center and requesting a renewal. The library staff reserves the right to limit the number of items checked out and the number of renewals to make assigned topics available to as many students as possible. A five-cent fine per school day will be charged for each overdue magazine or book and twenty-five cents per day for videos and DVDs. All the collections can be searched here. Students will be charged the replacement cost for any lost items.
Staff members may check out books and magazines for one month and videos for a week with unlimited renewals. All equipment must be checked out by a staff member and used under staff supervision. We have a professional development collection housed in the teacher's workroom.